Guide to Calculating ATT vs STATS Ratios with Spreadsheet


May 12, 2019

Go to file -> make a copy while signed into a google account to use it.

Let's start with the very basic formula of damage = k*(4*primary stat + secondary stat)*(attack) where k is all the other junk that you don't really care about.

Breaking down the primary stat and taking the derivative gives
(primary stats/primary stats-stat that aren't affected by %)*((4*primary stat + secondary stat)/(4*primary stat))*(base stat/base attack)

Simple to verify, assume 10000af, 5000 base stat, 900% stat, 2500 secondary stat, 2500 w att.
(60000/50000)*(60000*4+2500)/(60000*4)*(5000/2500) = 2.425 flat stat to attack ratio then you can plug a bonus of 100 flat att and 242.5 flat stat and verify the final output is the same (60000*4+2500)*2600 = (62425*4+2500)*2500

The only thing that will take a bit of effort here to figure out is your base stat and base attack. I suppose if you're mid game you could just pop an onyx apple and look at the % increase in range and basically divide 100 by that % increase to figure out your base attack. Unfortunately that isn't viable to people at 99m range. So you need to tediously count your base attack. Getting a good enough estimate of base stat is easier. Just figure out your % stat using maple warrior then figure out your base stat.

Using my own stats as an example, I have 84484 stat 14331 secondary stat with 12300 stat from arc, 60 from hyper stat and 380 from legion. I've counted up I have around 3022 base attack. To figure out my base stat I debuff call of cygnus to get 81784 stat and i know call of cygnus granted me 1388*.16 = 222.08 base stat. Now I can find my % stat with (84484-81784)/222.08 = 12.16. Then I can find base stat with (84484 - 12740)/12.16 = 5900.

Now I can just plug into the formula to get (84484*4+14331)/(4*84484)*(84484/(84484-12740))*5900/3022 = 2.4. So 1 flat attack is worth 2.4 flat stat to me.

Using similar logic you can find out the rest of the ratios.
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